It all started with the book The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds...
“C is for…”
“Caring - The Dot is a story of a caring teacher who inspires a doubting student”
“C is for…”
“Confidence - What begins with a small dot on a piece of paper becomes a journey of self-discovery”
“C is for…”
“Courage - Take a chance, Let’s start with a Dot”
“C is for…”
“Creativity - Each one of us is a creativity champion when we use our talents, gifts, and energy to move the world to a better place”
“C is for…”
“Connecting - 1 and a half million people from 75 countries are connecting on this day to share their creativity and inspiration”
“C is for…”
“Collaboration - Our community works together today to share our creativity and make our mark on the World Map”
Let’s transform teaching and learning around the world as people of all ages re-discover the power and potential of creativity in all they do! ENJOY INTERNATIONAL DOT DAY #DotDay
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