St. Stephen's Episcopal Day School Celebrates International Dot Day

St. Stephen’s Episcopal Day School celebrated International Dot Day the week of September 14. We started with a school wide celebration beginning at flag salute, and activities continued throughout the week in various classrooms as we celebrate creativity, courage, and collaboration right here at SSEDS.
As described on The Dot Club website, “International Dot Day, a global celebration of creativity, courage and collaboration, began when teacher Terry Shay introduced his classroom to Peter H. Reynolds’ book The Dot on September 15, 2009.
Each year on International Dot Day the inspiration continues. What started as a story in the pages of a book is transforming teaching and learning around the world as people of all ages re-discover the power and potential of creativity in all they do.”
The highlight of the week was forming a dot as a school community and then move into the number 60. Moving forward to 60 is this year's school theme. Furthermore, the character trait of the month is Creativity from our Cloud9World literacy based character strength building program, which sets the tone for the rest of the year!
